been having a bit trouble sleeping, so posting will be a bit slower
next post will be something pokepasta related, cause i’m also into that along with south park
no it’s not excessive gore, i noticed that with the pokepasta community and how they depict the characters (mostly minors), and i say “uhhhhhh no”
im mostly into pokepastas because i’m interested in how it twists the narrative of pokemon to be something more tragic, as well as adding characters that i find myself having fun connecting together
for example:
blake being an older brother to lost silver/gold (blake ≠ lost silver)
red reviving grey after the events of shitno, though it goes without sideeffects and grey is partially fused with shinto
red and glitchy red being the same person, inspired by benisbeans’ red
red saving blake instead of killing him, because it feels ooc for red in general to kill him, i chalk it up to hallucination
and then him bringing blake to a guilty steven, who feels the need to atone for what he did so red gives him blake to take care of (after the events of snow on mount silver)
steven reviving gold from the dead after he realized he was repeating the same mistakes by getting gold killed, starting his need for atonement and declining health for reviving him
silver tagging along with blake to find red and gold, mostly for protection
steven’s missingno abandoning steven due to his changing self and going to red instead, causing him to glitch the hell out
basically, a ton of fun concepts stitched together
will i do something with them? time will tell
the end !